Michelle A. Benson is an associate professor in the Department of Political Science at the University at Buffalo. Her recent work focuses on the effects of the United Nations on civil war (including sexual violence and conflict outcomes). Her earlier work focused on state to state ties and international conflict, trade and international conflict, intergovernmental organizations and international conflict, and the role of social capital in domestic conflict processes. Her work has been published in the Journal of Conflict Resolution, Journal of Politics, Comparative Political Studies, the Journal of Peace Research, International Interactions, Social Science Quarterly, Conflict Management and Peace Science, Nationalism and Ethnic Politics, and the Journal of Political Science.
PhD in Political Science, 1999
Claremont Graduate University
MA in Politial Science, 1994
Claremont Graduate University
Diplôme d'études approfondies, 1993
Université Pierre Mendès France
BA in Political Science, 1992
University of California, Davis